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Traditional 440 Hz and Magical 432 Hz: what is the difference?

By lowering the pitch by just 8 Hz we created instruments with such familiar scales but with a bigger power and influence. These RAV Vasts help to calm the body down, release the negative energy and put you into a natural, peaceful and pure state of mind. It takes away the weight from your soul and clarifies thoughts.
History insight: why is 440 Hz the standard?
Throughout centuries tones and timbres of classical music were constantly changing. Each musician, composer or orchestra tuned the instrument to their liking. Only in the 18th century the music community set the A4 note as the standard for scaling instruments in the western music tradition. However, musicians still defined A4 differently – some chose 400 Hz, others 430 Hz. The note could reach even 480 Hz! The absence of unity in defining the standard sound of the note led to the difference in A4 pitching in orchestras all around the world.

The unit of measurement “Hz'' actually appeared only in the 19th century. Heinrich Hertz, a German physicist, proved the existence of electromagnetic waves in 1830. And only then it became possible to measure the pitch of a note.

Still musicians and composers could not make peace about the standards of instruments’ sounding. Until in 1953 the International Organization for Standardization, ISO, documented the generally accepted pitching of A4. The ISO 16 says “… specifies the frequency for the note A in the treble stave and shall be 440 Hz. Tuning and retuning shall be effected by instruments producing it within an accuracy of 0,5 Hz”. The note was named A440. Thus, all the instruments scaled in the same frequency can sound together perfectly.

Nevertheless, there are orchestras that still neglect the standard. For example, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra has A4 442 Hz frequency, while Boston Symphonic Orchestra has A4 441 Hz.
432 Hz frequency. The tone of the nature
The supporters of 432 Hz call the music produced with standard sound frequency “dry, dull and zombie-like”. Too categorical, right? We will just explain why they praise 432 Hz, Verdi's A. First of all, it is thought to be the previous music standard. Stradivarius violins or instruments of the ancient Egypt and Tibetan monks were tuned to this very pitch. Even the ancient God Orpheus, who charmed with his music, is believed to have his violin tuned to this frequency.

The second reason is that 432 Hz is called the tune of the Earth or the planet's heartbeat. There is even a scientific explanation. Schumann Resonance theory explains that 8 Hz electromagnetic frequencies are activated by lightning which happens in the area between the ionosphere and the surface of the Earth. These resonances are essentially our planet’s breath. By working from a starting point of 8 Hz we find note C at either 128 or 256 Hz and note A, eventually, at 432 Hz. This makes it “the universe's harmony”. Only 432 can realign you with the Earth.

You already know about the magical benefits of music as a phenomenon from our previous articles, but 432 Hz seems to be top of the top. It is considered to have the power to synchronize both hemispheres of our brain. This means that the left brain, which is responsible for logic and analytics, works in cooperation with the right brain, the creative and intuitive part. This boosts our potential as great thinkers, profound artists and pure spiritual beings.
RAV Vast 432Hz
We have several instruments pitched in 432 Hz frequency. B Celtic Minor, D Celtic Minor and B Celtic Double Ding are beginners-friendly and create a calm and peaceful atmosphere. All the three scales were inspired by Celtic melodies of ancient times, so they resemble English medieval folk ballads about knights travelling through lush deep forests, sonorous fast streams and flowery glowing meadows. G Pygmy is also an easy level tongue drum, but with a completely different vibe. It creates a mysterious aura or primeval nature – lava fields, inhabited cold caves, old-growth forests, heavy grey sky before the storm. This instrument in particular with a lowered pitch creates the strongest bond between the player and nature. The last available scale with 432 Hz is A Integral, a handpan for advanced players. It has a relaxing and hypnotizing sound which makes it a perfect companion in sound-healing, meditation and yoga. It's dark melodic, even esoteric sound helps to look into the depths of your soul. Can be at hand when you need to sort things out inside your heart and head. Due to the unique pitch of the scales they can not be paired with other instruments, so we advise to play solo – both for a better sound and effect.

By lowering the pitch by just 8 Hz we created instruments with such familiar scales but with a bigger power and influence. These RAV Vasts help to calm the body down, release the negative energy and put you into a natural, peaceful and pure state of mind. It takes away the weight from your soul and clarifies thoughts. It unites the body and the consciousness. 432 Hz instruments are useful because they make your whole body vibrate in fractal harmony with the spiral sound matrix of the DNA, which represents life itself.