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RAV takes every one by surprise. Just read the reviews
  • Everything! It takes you into your own space. The sound is amazing and you can take it anywhere or nowhere at all and it enjoy it every single time. My most cherished possession...(next to my family!) :)
  • When you touch it first time, you dive into the ocean of sound. It's tone is full, rich, spreading through the body of player and listener. You can use it with other instruments, at live gigs, studio sessions, self/group meditation, it is a great tool to create a deep, magical atmosphere where you need it.
  • Everyone may tell about how unbelievably this instrument sounds - it is indeed magical! But one aspect that completely blew me off guard is how intuitively one can create melodies (compared to other tongue drums) on this beauty! Absolutely blissful.
  • The RAV Vast gives me such great energies and it makes me very peaceful. While looking what my favourite sound was, I went for B Kurd, it gives me such a mystical vibe.
  • I absolutely love my RAV. I first heard them online and found the sound so calming and peaceful. It's such a fun instrument to learn to play especially if you've never played before like myself.
  • This instrument is a living being and brings so much joy where every im playing. I use it a lot for sound healing in my yoga classds and for cacao ceremonies. My community loves it.